New cover for my book

Old cover
New cover

I’ve been dissatisfied with the cover of my book (link) for a while. The old cover was kind of okay, but the red text block with the title, subtitle and author was a generic template from the Amazon Kindle cover designer. The whole cover was kind of boring.

The new cover is designed to be a little bit “louder”. High contrast, big letters, looks really great and distinctive, even when shrinked to thumbnail-size. I’m happy how it turned out.

I kept the misty forrest in the background because I like it as a metaphor for a vast dataset that is impossible to take in with a single look. Something so large that it’s easy to get lost in there and not being able to see the wood for the trees.

The washing machine is obviously a play at the “clean data” that we’re all after. Running something through a washing machine takes time and a lot of “iteration cycles”, just like building a data product.

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